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ABOUT Cahaba Fire Company


Cahaba Fire Company is devoted to the research & development of innovative products for fire departments and rescue teams throughout the United States. We are passionate about creating the necessary products to make rescue operations safer, faster, and more reliable. Our products are designed to be multi-functional, durable, and easy to use in an emergency response situation.


Cahaba Fire Company’s mission is to identify rescue operation equipment needs and to develop innovative products to fill those needs for first responders to get their job done safer, faster, and more reliably. 


The 15+ years Ryan King (Co-founder/President) has spent as a firefighter/paramedic led to the formation of Cahaba Fire Company. For thousands of emergency response situations, he has learned from and has drawn inspiration from the communities he has served. He kept saying things like “I wish there was a better, faster way”, “I need better equipment”, “if only I had a few more seconds”.

In all of these situations, every life is priceless, every second matters, and emergency responders need innovative equipment to get the job done right. In the spirit of continual improvement, Ryan partnered with Ben Horton (Co-founder/CEO/Engineer) for assistance in researching, developing, and engineering products to aid in rescue operations. With a desire to help first responders, Ben and Ryan combined their creativity, experience, and technical acumen to create Cahaba Fire Company.

Ben has 15+ years of experience in mechanical/aerospace/nuclear engineering, business, product design, project management, and procurement. Ryan has extensive experience and training in the fire and emergency service industry, multiple certifications, and excels at identifying equipment gaps.

Together, with your help, we want to make the dreams and needs of first responders into reality by creating the best fire/emergency tools and products available to emergency rescue teams throughout the U.S.A.

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